Free Homeschool Programs: Lower Your Budget

We all like getting things we need for free right?  However, when you’re shopping for homeschool curricula you may


initially shy away from free materials.  Here are some reasons parents may not consider free homeschool programs for their curriculum:

  • They’re skeptical of the source.
  • They’re skeptical of the quality and relevance of the materials.
  • Many times free resource websites include a large number of resources that can be difficult to sift through.

All of these concerns are valid, but I’ve found there is a very tangible benefit to using free homeschool programs to supplement or provide the foundation for my kindgergarten homeschool curriculum.  It is important to research and thoroughly review materials before you decide to use them; however, if you keep an open mind you may be pleasantly surprised.

Well, if you read the title of this article, it’s clear that the benefit I’m referring to is keeping your homeschool budget low.  Managing your homeschool budget is important at any stage of the process, but I believe it is most important at the early stage.  Why?  At the preschool and kindergarten levels you are still learning your child.

Now don’t get me wrong, I know you know your child.  However, do you know them in the teacher-student environment?  Do you really understand the way your child learns, what methods help them grasp a concept, or what manner of presentation keeps their attention?  If you can’t answer an emphatic yes to all of these questions, that’s not a bad thing.  It simply means your homeschool process may be a bit of trial and error at first.

woman-using-computer-1241709-639x424Trial and error is great because you have a chance to see what works and what doesn’t.  When using free materials it is much easier to discard or omit items and choose something else.  When you have purchased materials, depending upon the cost, you may feel an obligation to use the information (even if it doesn’t work for your child) in order to avoid wasting money.

Here are a few free homeschool program options for you to try.  I have used both and found them to be quite helpful as supplements to our overall homeschool plan:


Easy Peasy Online Homeschool

Discovery K12

Khan Academy

I’m not suggesting that you avoid paid curricula, but I think it’s wiser to focus on free materials at the earlier stage and then progress from there.  I’m finding success with this strategy, and if you try it, I hope you will too!


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